Fee Structure

  • Fees and Other Charges for Subsidies Seats (FREE SEATS)
  • Fees for ONE YEAR /TWO YEAR ENGINEERING TRADES ( Non- Subsidies/Payment Seat)
  • For One Year NON-ENGINEERING TRADES (Non-Subsidies/Payment Seats)
  • Registration Fees from HPTSB for registration

Fee Structure

Fees and Other Charges for Subsidies Seats (FREE SEATS)

Institute Fees
Particulars Amount
Admission Fee 200/-
Tuition Fee (Per semester) 1200/-
Identity Card Fee (ONE TIME) 50/-
Student Welfare Fee (Per Year) 350/-
(1) Building (Sports and Cultural Activities) Fee
(2) Electricity and Water Consumption Charges (Per Sem.)
Medical Fee (Per Sem.) 100/-
Examination and Internal Fee (Per SEM) 100/-
N.C.C. Fee (Per Year) (This fee is applicable only where the NCC Facility is available) 100/-
Training and placement fund (ONE TIME)) 100/-
Library fund (Per Year) 100/-
Insurance (EVERY Year) 200/-
NTC/PNTC Charges 100/-
Computer Fee (Per Sem.) 600/-
Security Amount (Refundable)(one time) 1000/-
Corpus Fund for student welfare (per year)(to be deposited in the Directorate through Institute) 20/-
Total 4720/-

Fees for ONE YEAR /TWO YEAR ENGINEERING TRADES ( Non- Subsidies/Payment Seat)

Admission Fee (one time) 200/-
Institutional Security (One Time) 1000/-
Training & Placement Fund (One Time) 100/-
Insurance (Every Year) 200/-
Identity card Fund (One Time) 50/-
Institutional Development Fund (per Sem.) 6500/-
Computer Fund (per Sem.)(Charged for 1st and 2nd Sem.) 650/-
Corpus Fund for student welfare(per year) 20/-
Certificate charges 100/-
TOTAL 8820/-

For One Year NON-ENGINEERING TRADES (Non-Subsidies/Payment Seats)

Admission fees 200/-
Institutional Security 1000/-
Training & Placement Fund (One Time) 100/-
Insurance(every year) 200/-
Identity card Fund (one time) 50/-
Computer Fund 650/-
Institutional Development Fund (per Sem.) 4825/-
Corpus Fund For Student welfare (per year) 20/-
Certificate charges (one time) 100/-
Total 7145/-
Registration Fees from HPTSB for registration  
For Two Year Courses 200/-
For One Year Courses 200/-